The Missal

The use of the 1962 Roman Missal is embraced in our church to celebrate the Tridentine Mass, often referred to as the Traditional Latin Mass. This edition, last promulgated by Saint John XXIII, represents the culmination of centuries of liturgical tradition within the Church, maintaining the disciplinary and liturgical rites as they were practiced prior to the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. For those interested in purchasing a 1962 Missal, it is advisable to look for a well-bound edition that includes both Latin and your preferred translation to facilitate understanding and participation. Baronius Press, Angelus Press, and Daughters of Mary Press are reputable sources for durable and user-friendly missals.

For those who wish to access the 1962 Missal online, websites like Divinum Officium ( offer the text in a variety of languages and are particularly helpful for daily reference. Additionally, tutorials and guides on how to use the 1962 Missal can be found on traditional Catholic websites such as Sancta Missa ( which provide detailed instructions and videos on the rubrics and prayers of the Tridentine Mass.

The Eucharist

Holy Communion is the central act of the Traditional Latin Mass, the moment where we receive the very Body of Christ Jesus under the appearance of bread. To participate fully in this sacred encounter, the Church sets forth certain conditions rooted in love and respect.

First and foremost, to receive Holy Communion, one must be baptized. Baptism is the doorway to the Church, washing away original sin and incorporating us into the Body of Christ. Those who have not yet been baptized are warmly invited to contact us to meet with a priest and learn more about this beautiful sacrament.

Next, it is essential to be in a “state of grace.” This means being free from serious sin (mortal sin) that breaks our communion with God. If you have committed a serious sin, the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) offers a path back to God’s grace. Through sincere confession, sorrow for wrongdoing, and the priest’s absolution, we are reunited with God and eligible to receive the Sacred Host.

Finally, full communion with the Catholic Church and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist are necessary. The Church is a united family of believers, and to receive the Eucharist, we must be part of that family. The Real Presence signifies that the consecrated bread becomes the true Body of Christ, though its appearance remains unchanged. Receiving the Sacred Host is a profound mystery and a source of immense grace and nourishment for the soul.

Introduction to the Sacraments

We hold classes for the Sacraments of Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. These classes are offered Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Please contact the church office for details on attendance.


We cherish the timeless beauty of Catholic tradition, including modest attire within the sacred space of the church. Dressing with reverence helps us to center our hearts and minds on the profound mystery of the Holy Mass.

Scripture and Tradition guide our understanding of modest attire. St. Paul instructs in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 that our very appearance in worship should reflect God’s established order. For centuries, women veiling their heads was a sign of humility, piety, and respect for the sacred. While veiling is not mandatory, many women at our parish choose to practice this beautiful tradition. Men show reverence by removing their hats upon entering the Church and dressing in slacks with a collared shirt or suit.

Modesty transcends mere rules about clothing; it’s a posture of the heart and soul. Dressing with dignified simplicity allows us to shed worldly distractions. It shows our respect for the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. When we dress modestly, we also demonstrate care and consideration for our fellow parishioners, avoiding attire that might prove distracting during prayer and contemplation.

Ultimately, the beauty of modest dress lies in its ability to foster an attentiveness and reverence towards God. Our attire, offered in a spirit of love, prepares us to better receive the infinite graces bestowed in the Holy Mass.


Please join us after the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass in the church basement for coffee and light refreshments and to join the social life of our community. Welcome to all!

Coming from a different denomination or faith?

If you’re visiting us from a different faith background or denomination, we warmly welcome you! The beauty and tradition of the Traditional Latin Mass may be new to you. If you’re interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, or even considering becoming Catholic, we encourage you to reach out to one of our priests. They can answer your questions about the faith and sacraments, and guide you towards a full communion with the Catholic church.