The Sacraments

The Mission Saint-Irénée-de-Lyon welcomes you to celebrate the Sacraments with our community, whether you’ve been a parishioner for years or are considering making this your spiritual home.

Details about first Holy Communion and Confirmation classes are made at Mass and in our newsletter. Generally, they take place at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings.

Please contact the church office for enquiries about the Sacraments for you or your family member.


In the traditional Roman Catholic Church, Baptism is a fundamental Sacrament, considered the doorway to both the faith and other Sacraments. It signifies a spiritual rebirth, washing away original sin and welcoming the recipient into the Catholic Church. Catholics believe baptism unites them with Christ, sharing in his death and resurrection. Through this transformative act, the Holy Spirit enters the person, initiating a lifelong path of following God’s teachings. Do not delay Baptism!

First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion stands as a profound and deeply symbolic occasion in the spiritual development of a young Catholic. It signifies a pivotal moment where the person, for the first time, receives the Sacrament of the Eucharist – the consecrated bread and wine that are believed to become the true body and blood of Jesus Christ. This act embodies a profound unity with Christ, a mystical joining that offers the grace to further deepen the spiritual connection initiated at Baptism.

First Holy Communion symbolizes the full initiation into the life and community of the Catholic Church. Receiving the Eucharist strengthens their bond with the Church and the wider Christian community, marking a transition towards active participation in the Mass and the responsibility to live out their faith in word and deed. It is also intimately connected with the holy sacrifice of the Mass where Christ’s body and blood is truly offered on the altar. It is reliving of calvary.

Candidates for First Holy Communion are generally at least 7 years old.

First communion


Confirmation is a Sacrament that deepens and perfects the grace received at baptism. It is seen as a spiritual strengthening, where the Holy Spirit bestows special gifts upon the recipient. Through Confirmation, a Catholic is empowered to spread and defend the faith, becoming a mature “soldier of Christ.” This sacrament marks a conscious choice to fully embrace the Catholic faith and actively live out its mission in the world.

Candidates for Confirmation are generally at least 12 years of age.


The Sacrament of Penance, also known as Reconciliation or Confession, offers a profound gift from God’s mercy. Through this sacred rite, we experience the liberating grace of forgiveness for sins committed after Baptism. In the presence of a priest acting as Christ’s representative, we confess our shortcomings with sincere remorse. We receive spiritual counsel and a penance (a spiritual act) to further strengthen our resolve. This beautiful sacrament allows for reconciliation with God, inner peace, and a renewed spirit to live according to God’s will.

Confessions are heard 30 minutes before Mass Monday to Friday; and 45 minutes before Mass on weekends.


Within the traditional Roman Catholic Church, Marriage, also referred to as Holy Matrimony, holds a special significance. It’s viewed as both a covenant, a lifelong commitment between a baptized man and woman, and a sacrament, a sacred act reflecting God’s love. This union is seen as inherently ordered towards two purposes: the procreation and education of children and the flourishing of the spouses themselves. The wedding vows represent a total commitment to one another “until death do us part,” creating an unbreakable bond that mirrors the relationship between Christ and the Church. Marriage within the Church is thus a sacred partnership, reflecting God’s love and offering a path for spiritual growth together.

Holy Orders

Holy Orders is a sacrament distinct from the others, setting apart certain men for ordained ministry. Through this sacred rite, a man becomes a deacon, priest, or bishop, empowered to serve the Church in specific ways. Holy Orders imposes upon the soul an indelible mark, permanently engraving the recipient with the character necessary for sacred ministry. This sacrament is essential for the Church’s very functioning, ensuring the continuation of the Sacraments, leadership, and spiritual guidance for the faithful. Those ordained in Holy Orders are seen as instruments of God’s grace, acting in persona Christi (in the person of Christ) to shepherd the flock and celebrate the Sacraments.

Extreme Unction

Extreme Unction, also known as Anointing of the Sick, carries profound significance as a Sacrament specifically offered to those facing serious illness or approaching death. It’s viewed as a moment of spiritual strengthening and comfort, bringing God’s grace and peace to the individual. The anointing with blessed oil signifies the forgiveness of sins, the alleviation of spiritual and potentially physical suffering, and the preparation for eternal life. Extreme Unction is not a “last rites” sacrament solely for the dying, but a source of solace and spiritual renewal for anyone confronting significant illness.

For any sacramental emergencies, we are available 24/7. Please contact the office and dial 4.


Funerals hold great importance as a time to honour the deceased, offer solace to the grieving, and commend the soul to God. The central ceremony is the Funeral Mass, seen as a mournful prayer and intercession for the faithfully departed. Prayers are offered for the deceased’s peaceful passage into the afterlife and for the bereaved family to find strength in their faith. The funeral also serves as a powerful symbol of hope, reflecting the Catholic belief in eternal life and the resurrection of the dead. Through this ceremony, the Church community gathers to support the mourners and offer them comfort in the knowledge that life continues in God’s presence.