Our building, opened in 1912, needs ongoing repair and restoration. Your support is gratefully received.
Ways to donate:
- Envelopes are available in the pews, place your donation inside, complete your details on the back and deposit the envelope in the marked boxes found towards the rear of the church.
- During weekend masses acolytes pass through the congregation and receive envelopes and cash.
- Donations may be made online at CanadaHelps.
- 2025 – Windows Second Phase
- 2026 – Small Bell Tower
- 2027 – Roof
Recently completed:
- 2023 – Windows along the North Wall
- 2022 – Main Bell Tower and Restoration of Cross
The church is a grateful beneficiary of the Government of Quebec’s program targeting the protection, transmission and promotion of religious heritage. Projects to restore and maintain our building typically receive contribution from the government amounting to 70% of the total cost.
Tax Receipts
Registered church members are mailed tax receipts every year in February. If you haven’t received your receipt or you’ve changed address please contact the church office.